Why is it the businesses that most need assistance don't implement even the most basic of strategies to improve their business?
Time and again I meet with business owners who don't produce a monthly profit and loss and balance sheet. Typically they work on a cash received and cash spent model, taking no account of retained profits, liabilities and cash flow.
Unsurprisingly these companies are often in a perilous financial situation, many owing money to the ATO and other statutory bodies.
One of my first questions to business owners is whether they produce a profit and loss statement and balance sheet monthly. When the answer is "no" I explore how I can assist and speak with their accountant or book keeper to establish a meeting with my client. When I meet my client again later they still haven't arranged to implement a profit and loss and balance sheet.
A further investigation into the goals of the business, the customer service and sales strategies demonstrates that these businesses are meandering slowly to very poor or catastrophic personal outcome for the owner.
If you need help establishing systems and crystalising your goals I can help. Don't leave it too late, act now.